Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jenny Craig - Day 5

Multi-Grain Hoops Cereal with dash of cinnamon
1/2 cup Vanilla Rice Milk

I'm not the biggest fan of Cheerios unless they're honey nut but, the packet said that they were good with a dash of cinnamon so I decided to give it a try. Boy were they right! Glad I was optimistic about this. The cereal, though it didn't have any added sugar, was delicious!
Morning Snack:
Anytime Bar
Cheesy Potatoes & Chicken
Salad from Whole Foods

Okay, the slump is in full effect now. I was dying from having the same salad every day so I gave in and went to Whole Foods across the street from my office and was pleasantly surprised by everything on their salad bar that I could eat! They had shredded beets (LOVE!), mixed bean salad , kidney beans, marinated mushrooms (in balsamic vinegar), cucumbers and tomatoes. I topped it all off with some balsamic vinegar and went to town. I was super satisfied with this and plan to repeat tomorrow. The cheesy potatoes and chicken was out of this world. Seriously, I know I say this all the time but, this was the best meal I've had yet. The potatoes were a bit dry but there was some gravy so it worked out great. It came with peas and corn so I mixed all of that together and yum! The chicken was really good. It was breaded, and fried with a bit of sauce. All in all there was about 1 chicken tender worth of chicken and it was darn good. Can I eat this every day?
Afternoon Snack:
Salisbury Steak
Cucumber & Tomato Salad w/Rice Wine Vinegar & Garlic Powder
Steamed Spinach

I've always been a bit afraid of salisbury steak. Why? I don't know. Something screams wrong about grinding meat up just to lump it back together. Why not just eat the steak how it was? At any rate, despite my worst intentions, it was actually really good. Surprisingly, I'm looking forward to having it again.
Evening Snack:
Cookies & Cream Cheesecake
1 cup 1% milk

The cheesecake was pretty good. It was no chocolate cake (Day 2). It tasted sort of like it was filled with artificial sweeteners (which I abhor) but with the berries and milk, it was okay. Not too thrilled to eat it again, but will do so nonetheless.
Taste of lasagna
Cherry lollipop

Okay, so I had a bit of a weak night. My mom came home with lasagna from my favorite restaurant and I just had to try it (somehow I've never tried it). I made it out with only one small bite, but yes, I logged it. It was super good but actually super salty (I'm usually the queen of added salt). I'm not sure if it's because my taste buds have had an overhaul over the past few days or because it was actually salty but I'm looking forward to having a big salad and 1/4 of one of those bad boys soon! I was having a huge hankering for sweets that could not be stopped so I had a cherry lollipop. I think its on the limited free foods list but hell, I didn't care. It was better than the bag of butterfingers I was eyeing previously. :)

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